Cyclamen Coum


This week has introduced spring into the garden. The days have got a bit longer and a bit warmer and lots of things are coming out. The lawn is still a bit wet underfoot but I've already started gardening.  

The crocuses in the lawn under the apple tree look wonderful now, especially in the sun. Above are a couple. 

Cyclamen coum

I particularly like the spring cyclamen. They are not as sturdy or large as the autumn ones (Cyclamen hederifolium) but they are just as hardy and look very pretty. They are called Cyclamen coum and have rounded leaves rather than pointed ones and grow rather les prolifically. Both varieties have round seed pods on curly stems which release sticky seeds that ants take away, so  you can find them in all sorts of strange places It's a good idea to plant them in a shady part of the garden which will have cooler temperatures. 

Cyclamen coum

I planted the heather I was given for Christmas in some acid soil where it can be seen from indoors. It will die down later in the year but looks wonderful now. 

Erica in its pot

and planted out


  1. Rom - likewise, I have lots of purple crocus and clumps of cyclamen brightening up the garden which only a week or two ago seemed so dull and despondent ! I'm glad you are growing heather - somehow a plant that is part of our history - I had some white heather stolen from my front wall the day after I planted it and haven't tried it again.

    1. Lovely to hear from you. The heather was a present for Christmas and has done really well.


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