Autumn-Flowering Plants

It's September already. Summer seems to have been late and we are already into autumn. There are many interesting plants in the garden so I am enjoying it.

The cyclamen hederifolium or ivy-leaved cyclamen, of which I bought three plants to begin with, are now flowering all over the garden. They are so tiny and so wonderful. They like to grow in full shade or dappled shade but will even grow in sun and in almost any soil. They are tiny but somehow make themselves obvious. I have pink and white ones popping up all over the place. Their leaves are very pretty with patterns on them and last longer than the flowers.  Later on there will be  be Cyclamen coum, which is even smaller. Bumblebees and solitary bees all like them. 


Three cyclamen in the garden

There is a small Ipomea or morning glory - a perfectly lovely purple in a small pot, which I should have changed for a bigger one, but haven't had time to. Nevertheless it looks wonderful. 

Morning Glory in small pot
Then there are the things I got from the nursery which they used to throw away and now offer to customers for very little. You get eight plants for five pounds and they are really worth while. At present I have, among other things, two fuchsias from them, a beautifully scented sweet pea, some petunias, some osteospermum and various other things which have died down now but will be back next year. The nursery is

                                                         A few of the plants I bought from Woodlark:                                                  


  1. My cyclamen are coming up between the paving stones. So pretty. They never give up XD


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