The Rain and What it Brings

New bird bath

It has rained every day for what seems like weeks and yesterday it absolutely poured, to such an extent that coming back from singing, the buses were non-existent and I had to find another way home. 

                                          Out in the early morning picking up slugs

This affects the garden, of course, largely because of the slugs. I  go out after dark and collect up all I can find and then I go out at about 6am and collect up another hundred. They go onto the compost heap at one end of the garden and into a bin bag at the other.  I have tried most of the things advised, but with so many they don't really help. I am about to try something called Feed and Fortify which sounds hopeful and is not poisonous. Why is nothing eating them? I wish I had a hedgehog. 

One thing that really loves the rain is the hydrangea. It's a white lacecap which was given to me when I moved in and it  has loved the rain.

Hydrangea doing really well this wet year

The other things not worried by slugs are the buddleja (I have a small red-flowered one).  

Beautiful red-coloured small buddleja 

Most of my bird baths are the the bottoms cut out of dust bins or glazed ceramic saucers but recently I bought a specially designed one to sit on top of an old garden plant stand that had lost its top. 



  1. I've been picking slugs off my chard plants (which are delicious, so I understand why they go for them). I have stopped watering in the evening and put down beer, which they are supposed to like. They are huge and have amazing colours!

    1. I wonder whether the beer will work? Lovely to have chard plants. Well done!


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