The Fox and Perennial Kale

Fox in garden
Spring is here and so many flowers are out - it's wonderful. My blog is about the fox this time, because the (I think) female fox that has chosen the garden as hers let me take so many pictures of her, it's a pity to waste them! 

Fox asleep

Fox having a clean

She is sometimes visited by two or three other foxes, but the garden is definitely hers. I never feed  her. There is plenty of food in London and she is a wild animal and can find food easily. She trusts me to a certain extent, for example in winter when she's on top of the garden shed, she allows me into the garden to empty the rubbish. but if I try to get into the shed,  she'll leave. 

Fox waking up

Fox moving off

I don't want a den in the garden so have blocked up anywhere they might make one and I put bricks on he areas where she's tried to make one. 

Fox's mess out of something I forgot to put away 

The fox is  useful in the garden, keeping rats away but not a danger to cats or dogs. And she's charming. 

Fox under the tree fern and witch hazel

The other thing worth mentioning is the perennial Daubenton's kale. This grows to about one meter tall and lasts  about five years. My first one was planted in the ground and attracted slugs and snails amazingly. My present one, a cutting from the first is in a pot and has plenty of leaves but is not so large. I intend to take more cuttings and try them in various places: shade, sun, etc. It's useful in salads, soups and stews.  

Daubenton's kale

Pot of Daubenton's kale


  1. The fox seems very comfortable in your beautiful garden Barty. Good to see kale being part of a garden:)


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