Life in the Dark Days

Tree fern with last year's leaves

Although underfoot it is still very wet in the garden, life is showing everywhere. I can't really get around to gardening much with the ground so wet but when I go up to the compost I can see things happening everywhere. They say it's been the warmest winter we have ever had and although I don't feel that warm I can believe it. The tree fern is in full leaf still and the snowdrops are waiting for the cold. I'm wondering if I planted them too deep but I think it is the ground (clay) and the weather (too warm). 

The winter-flowering things are still out: the winter honeysuckle and the viburnums for example.

Viburnum bodnantense

The crocuses in the lawn under the apple tree have suddenly appeared, there are so many of them they make the grass look purple. The hellebores are on their way too. So even on a wet day like this,there is a feeling of change. 

Early crocuses

The Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' looks fine at this time of year. It is next to a viburnum tinus which is also out. 


Garrya elliptica James Roof

Viburnum tinus

The long tailed tits have been at the bird food again, only two this time, but I was pleased to see them.

Long tailed tits


  1. Wonderful Barty. The crocuses. are spectacular. Such a welcome sight.

  2. A gorgeous sight and description Barty


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