Long Tailed Tits

I looked out of the window this morning and saw a bevy of long-tailed tits on the bird feeder. There must have been at least six of them, although they often fly about in groups of 20 or so. I took a few pictures but the birds have gone now so I'll just have to use the ones I've got. 

The tail of these tiny little birds is longer than their body length,  they weigh only 7-10grams and live for about two years. They are mostly black and white but with pink bits here and there. They are found around most of the UK. They like to eat spiders, aphids and caterpillars also  nuts  but will appear on bird feeders in winter.  They make a unique domed nest in a bush or the fork of a tree, line it with feathers  and lay between 7-14 eggs.  Successful nesters are often helped by those who have failed who then go on to produce successful nests the following year. 

My tree fern is still in full  leaf, which shows how mild this winter has been. I will leave the leaves on, they look great and will protect the new growths when they come. 

Tree fern fronds

