Flowers Still Out

Rosa 'Tickled Pink' introduced in 2007, very beautiful with a slight scent. 

I am sitting on a very wet day writing this. It is ten oclock in the morning but  still  dark. If I look carefully however, there is still quite a lot of colour in the garden. 

There are one or two roses including Tickled Pink that I got in 2007. Some of them have wonderful hips. 

Rose 'Glauca' with hips

Other things still out include the sedums,which go on for months. Some of them are dark stemmed, the others are pale stemmed but their flowers change colour over the months and are now a dark magenta, still visited by many bees and other insects. 

Sedum with the new Salvia 'Monch'

The wonderful yellow annual my sister gave me last summer is called Sanvitalia and is still flowering like mad. I will go for this again next year. It doesn't seem to require any care at all and goes on flowering for ages. I think I could have it in various places in the garden. 

Sanvitlalia flourishing

The little dahlia I sowed earlier this year is about to have its second flower, which is a pale yellow. My other dahlia, a bright red, failed to flower at all this year. I have no idea why. If I can keep it alive this winter, I will repot it and hope for better next year. 


                                                              Dahlia grown from seed this year

Last week I planted out a couple of things I had been holding onto in pots for fear of slugs. The aster frikartii 'Monch'  which I bought earlier to make up for the one I lost last year is fine, and so is the bright red salvia 'Jezebel', a cutting from the first one I took from the street last year. 

Salvia 'Jezebel'

The nasturtiums are still flowering a bright yellow, to my disappointment, I wanted red. but they are lovely anyway and good to eat.  

Nasturtium with yellow flowers
