Changes in July

Clematis Mme Julia Correvon

It's still not really warm, but we are in the second part of summer and the flowers have changed. The foxgloves are truly finished, not a flower left. I am tempted to let them stay and hope they will seed themselves around, but I think I will cut them down so they flower again next year. 

The alliums are over, but they look wonderful dead so I keep them. Last year I put them indoors and they still look pretty good. 

                                                                                                                Alliums indoors and out                                                             

The wallflower 'Bowles Mauve' is an early flower but still going strong. I really like it for filling     spaces. 

Wallflower 'Bowles Mauve'

The lavender has to  reach out to get  at the sun, but it's doing quite well. It is across the path from geranium Rosanne and they look good together. 

Two tiny fuchias I bought recently are very pretty. 


                                                                  Two new fuchsias

The clematis Mme Julia Correvon I have put on an obelisk this year, she is doing fine. 

Clematis Mme Julia Correvon on a raised obelisk

Mme Julia Correvon

Dead bird 
I found a dead baby bird on the path. I'm afraid the fox probably got it. If the foxes weren't here, it would be the cats - it's a tough old life out there. 

The sparrows, which first appeared  about five years ago, two of them,  are now so many I can't count them. There's something about my garden they like, because they haven't gone far down the street. Or perhaps they just like being together. 
