Plants at Bargain Prices

Erysimums or wallflowers

Oh dear, everything is happening so fast. The tree peonies are over except for a few sad looking flowers. The rain really got to them this year. I had about thee days of admiring them at their best and then - wham, they were gone. There are still a few bedraggled flowers but they do like the sun.

Something that lasts longer than that is the Camelia Lady Vansittart, an almost white one with an occasional bright red flower, which is out at the moment. It's certainly lasting better than the tree peonies. 

Camelia Lady Vansittart with its one red flower

A local nursery offered its shoppers the remains of their spring flowers at a bargain price, so that they wouldn't get thrown onto the rubbish heap, so for a mere £10 I bought sixteen plants three lots of daffodils, over for this year, but they'll come back, three blue scillas, (ditto), five pansies, various colours, one fuchsia, two hyacinths, a red and a yellow wallflower. I have planted out half of them and I hope I can plant the rest tomorrow, but it's been so cold...

Other things that last a pretty long time are the bergenias.  I have a fairly usual pink one but also a white one which is splendid and they have been in flower for weeks. 

Pink and white bergenia 

Also the erysimums, or wallflowers, which will go on  for ages, especially if I remember to removed the dead flowers.


  1. Gorgeous and lucky you...:) G

  2. What a wonderful bargain! xx Michael Ann


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