Is the Pond mended?

Empty pond - a horrible sight

Lawrence came twice to mend my new pond after I'd pierced it with the garden fork to get rid of the ice. It's really difficult to find the holes from a fork and it didn't work the first time. It's rained so much since the second time, I haven't been sure, but it looks as though he's done it. 

Seemingly full pond - I hope
Too late for the frog spawn, but not for the frogs themselves and I hope they'll move back very soon. I had at least four frogs last year. And this year I'm hoping for lots of exciting things - such as dragonflies and water boatmen. 

The pulmonaria is flowering well and so are the primroses. 


The hellebores love the garden and are doing really well. There are red ones, white ones and double ones, they self seed and don't mind the clay. I love them.
Hellebores and primroses

The foxes are not about so much at the moment, probably looking after a new brood. 

 Something is digging up my new tulips though, could be a fox, or one of the squirrels. I always  keep them covered until they begin to show flowers, but one pot has had its tulips been bitten to death. 


  1. Lovely update Barty - Thank you! Michael Ann


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