In Flower in Winter

Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia'
I do try to have something happening in the garden all year round and January is perhaps the hardest. But I am surprised at what there is at this time of year. There is the Aucuba (Japanese laurel) I was given by a friend. which has leaves lightened by yellow and lovely red berries. It is useful for hiding the compost. This used to be one of the only plants that would survive the smoke-ridden air of London. Now it takes its place among the wealth of plants we can grow in our gardens here. 

There is the Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' which I pruned rather late and it looked as though it would have few flowers, but it has rallied well and there are more coming. 
Viburnum, with flowers arriving, late but undiminished by my late pruning

There is the winter honeysuckle, Lonicera fragrantissima which grows well and smells delicious at this time of year. This was also given by a friend, about thirty years ago. 

Lonicera fragrantissima growing over an arch 

Then there is the Garrya elliptica 'James Roof', full of long silvery tassels at this time of year. It is evergreen but really looks wonderful in winter. 

Garrya elliptica growing by the wall

A couple of roses have defied the weather and the earliest hellebore, a double white one, is just coming out. I've noticed a few other hellebores peering out of the soil too. 

The holly bush, J C Van Tol, which I chose years ago, because it doesn't need a partner to produce berries, and have recently shaped into a ball, has red, red, berries. This is a tree I got ages ago, and can't decide what to do with. It wants to grow bigger, but I can't really afford the space, so it is not at its best but it does have the berries which are lovely. 

Then there is the Nandina domestica, a bamboo which has pretty leaves that turn red in winter and wonderful small red berries 

Nandina domestica, interesting all year round 

Happy New Year!


  1. What a wonderful round-up - & what lovely pictures - of winter flowering and fruiting plants for our small gardens! Thank you! Michael Ann

  2. Gorgeous from Gerda

  3. That is a splendid array of winter colour !! - I only have a little pink Camelia and some Winter Jasmin in flower at the moment. Rom


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