
Snowy garden from above

At 10 o'clock the other evening my lovely neighbours upstairs took a picture of the snow in my garden and sent it to my phone. I gingerly drew the curtains and looked out -  snow was thick everywhere and I could see as clearly as in daylight. Completely magical,  partly because it was so unexpected - I had only last week been going on about the wonders of the frost. 

Picture taken at 10pm

Since then I have been confined indoors because of the icy pavements but from my kitchen I can watch the build up of paw and claw steps in the snow and the glittery sparkle on weighed-down leaves when the sun comes out. 

The tree fern  lost its elegance and took on the identity of a fat boxing glove. 


The birds didn't hide away but gathered in the trees looking bemused. 

Birds in snowy tree

 The fox still appears to be quite excited by the newness of it all. It pounces about on the ground and spends quite a lot of time on the shed roof surveying the scene and grabbing at snowy branches. 


By Wednesday apparently we can expect temperatures of up to 13 degrees C - that's global warming for you.


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