When the Rains Came


Front bed with geraniums, asters and sedums

During the drought nearly all the plants in my garden went into a sort of panic mode, either turning completely brown and dropping all their leaves or starting to flower in a desperate bid to produce seeds for the future. Even the 'food' plants in pots (tomatoes and aubergines) seemed to mark time. The birds hid away in the bushes and kept quiet. 

Dahlia bought at a Garden Open day

 After that first heavy downpour the transformation was spectacular and immediate. Overnight the flowering plants took on more colour, the grass came back as green as you please, the aubergines not only formed but grew big enough to eat within a week or two and the tomatoes turned deep red. 


                                                              Two salvias: Amistad and Jezebel

Suddenly there were frogs leaping about in the compost heap, bees everywhere, birds in the birdbath, the fox lounging on the shed roof and oh horror! slugs eating the fallen apples. 

Mining bee on sedum
                                                  It's amazing how resilient nature can be.
