More Fruit

I'm always looking for opportunities to put in more fruit. So far I have a big Bramley apple tree in the middle of the garden,  Fiesta and Pinova apple cordons,  a Concorde pear cordon and a dwarf peach against the SE facing wall. I also have  a Victoria plum, (much loved by the squirrels who eat the plums before they are ripe), a red currant, a black currant, a gooseberry, five autumn raspberry canes and a rhubarb (with rather elegant thin stalks) at intervals in the garden. The Bramley was there  when I moved in 30 years ago but the others have all been established in the last five years. I have just added a Damson called Merryweather which looked very dead when I took it out of its box - about three weeks ago - and still looks very dead but I can just see the beginnings of buds appearing.

Last Autumn a friend gave me three  red currant cuttings which are waiting for me to find places for. I can't imagine where I'm going to put them as the garden seems very full, but it's surprising what you can find room for when you want to.

Just now the plum is in full flower, the peach has flowered prettily pink and is  nearly over and I'm waiting to thin out the tiny peaches. All the other fruits are showing signs of life and the garden will soon be full of fruit blossom.

This photo shows the Bramley in March, dominating the garden, with a Magnolia stellata to its right.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jane - I think it does look quite spring-like.

  2. Has this warm weather brought on the blossom on the apple tree yet? My own cherry trees are in full bloom now. And I heard Vanessa Redgrave read this poem this morning:

    "Loveliest of trees of trees, the cherry now
    Is hung with bloom along the bough
    And stands about the wood ride
    Wearing white for Eastertide..." AE Housman


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